We have been busy as always at our place. We are preparing for the big 2 year birthday and adjusting our house to fit this soon to be 2 year old. After much discussion we have decided it is time to switch to a big girl bed. Our dc provider told me yesterday that Jaelynn is sleeping on mat like the rest of the big kids now! So I think we are going this weekend to get a twin size mattress and box spring. I want my baby back!!
We are also working on potty training. We are averaging about 3 times a week using the potty which I think is great! Jaelynn is starting to tell us when she needs to go which is a huge step in the right direction.
As much as I miss my tiny baby, the little girl that Jaelynn is growing up to be is pretty amazing. She is so smart and funny! We have our moments when I really want to pull my hair out but I have to realize that she is just testing us!
The hot weather has arrived to our state! Kevin and I are going to look at pools this weekend. We have a great public pool but Kevin doesn't get home until late and would just like to be able to chill in his own yard. I'll hopefully post pictures of a shiny new pool soon!